
Heck Yeah Damn Big Old Goofy World

That Sucking Sound

The USA Dollar is worth nothing these days and one of the consequences is pricey travel costs to Europe. I like to travel to Europe yearly if I can swing it work-ways. However, I was pricing tickets to Amsterdam for an early 2008 trip and was blown away by airline ticket prices.

Last time I flew to Amsterdam (2005) I paid around $500 American, now the cheapest price I can get a round trip ticket is around $1230. Ten years ago, during the good-old Clinton days I could regularly fly to Europe for around $300 round trip.

As our economy continues to go down the toilet for reasons of funding the occupation of Iraq and to keep tax cuts going for the “base” we lose freedoms over and over. Soon, the freedom to travel will be priced right out of the average Americans reach. I wonder if there is actually a conspiracy in play to squash our ability to flee the upcoming “police state?”