All but the cheesiest of our jobs are being outsourced. Corporations rule with an iron fist. We all sit back and shop like a bunch of morons. We live in fear. The Chinese dirve SUVs with government subsidized gasloine, while we buy their crappy, badly made junk every ten minutes. Our bridges are crumbling. Our government doesn’t work because we’ve been duped into the neo-con lie that government doesn’t work. A new generation of fat-ass perfectly spoiled kids whines in a state college vacuum while their parents cling to a non-existent American dream.
Let’s make things as a country again. How about that? Make some cabinets. Make some motorcycles. Make some bicycles. Make some skateboards. Make some solar panels. Make some bridges and infrastructure. Make some porch swings. Make some bread. Make neighborhoods. We aren’t our own islands. We are a community. Let’s build the commons. We are the government. Time for a NEW DEAL, whattaya say?