
Heck Yeah Damn Big Old Goofy World

The Worst Generation


Their parents have been called the greatest generation — those who sacrificed and came together during the depression and world war two. The final word has not yet been written on their children — the ones coming up today. But, the “baby boomers”, they are the worst generation. Over and over again they prove how spoiled, selfish and hypocritical they are. Whiny, bitching, cry-babies. They gave us Reaganomics. They gave us the go-go corporate take-over 80s. They gave us horrible Nike sloganeering. Just do it, Just say no, blah blah. They gave us bend over fear after the attacks of 9-11-01. They had a great time in the 60s and 70s, yet they don’t want anyone to have fun now. If there is a buzz-kill to be had, look around and there will be a boomer leveraging said buzz-kill. Boomers, you gave us George Bush Jr., the PATRIOT ACT, Abu Garib and illegal spying on Americans.

Now we have the current Democratic primaries and the race between Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama. Selfish boomer feminists are here to tell us how that if we do not support Clinton we are sexist. Selfish boomer DLC corporatists, who would love nothing more than to extend the current “free” market scam and slide to fascism tell us that Clinton is the one. Selfish boomer Senator Clinton herself tells us that we should be very very afraid of boogie-men and that she’s the only boomer who can save us. I guess that supporting NAFTA, corporatism, fear mongering, and John McCain over a fellow democrat is OK, ummm, not even OK, but groovy, maaaaan. Come on boomers. Get over yourselves. You guys had a good run. You got to fuck a lot of things up. Now just age grumpily and let us go back to some semblance of a democratic country that supports all its citizens, not just the well connected and our “betters.” Get over yourselves, that includes you folk in the DLC and the Clinton machine.