
Heck Yeah Damn Big Old Goofy World

Category: Words

  • DNC Awesomeness

    No razor wire at DNC jail Ahhh, aint that quaint? The fascist Denver bully boys took down the razor wire in the Gitmo on the Platte. They really care.

  • Shit Eating Grin?

    I ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut yesterday and was getting ready to throw away the box when this caught my eye.  Now, I can understand the reheat part.  You might not have finished your pie and maybe you stuck the unfinished pizza in the ice-box for keeping.  That makes sense.  But, “re-eat?”  WTF?  How…

  • What Happened to Us?

    “If any of our enemies, from Europe or from Asia, attempt long-range raids by “suicide” squadrons of bombing planes, they will do so only in the hope of terrorizing our people and disrupting our morale. Our people are not afraid of that. We know that we may have to pay a heavy price for freedom….

  • Snack Time


  • Happy Birthday

    IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which…

  • Congrats SSOA!

    Skate Shop of Athens has been open for a month. Live it, buy it.

  • Yep

    Reality is that which, when free gospel ringtones cell phone ringtones nextel ringtones download free cricket ringtones free real ringtones tone free samsung ringtones 24 ringtones ringtones for metro pcs cell phone free mp3 ringtones converter free ringtones for verizon wireless cell phone ringtones for nokia phone free ringtones software free ringtones for motorola phone…

  • Babies

    All but the cheesiest of our jobs are being outsourced.  Corporations rule with an iron fist.  We all sit back and shop like a bunch of morons.  We live in fear.  The Chinese dirve SUVs with government subsidized gasloine, while we buy their crappy, badly made junk every ten minutes.  Our bridges are crumbling.  Our…

  • 18th of April in ’75

    The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1807-1882 Written April 19, 1860; first published in 1863 as part of “Tales of a Wayside Inn” Listen my children and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five; Hardly a man is now alive Who…

  • Things I Like This Morning

    April snow showers. David Rees’ blahhg. Boiling hot coffee and a bagel toasted with cream cheese and swiss cheese.