
Heck Yeah Damn Big Old Goofy World

Category: Words

  • Just Another Manic Monday

    Police car sirens are quite common in my “neighbor”hood, so this morning as I was reading emails and getting ready for the workday I didn’t really think too much about the flurry of sirens going off on my street and alley. Then I started hearing cars speeding down my alley, which in itself is not…

  • Flying

    Back during the irrational exuberance late 90s and early 00s I traveled constantly for work. Most of this business travel involved riding around the world in airplanes, as such I am fairly familiar with the workings of airlines and their minions. Okay, okay, I know all the standard bullshit to cover up for the ongoing…

  • Sun Tax

    Xcel, the greedhead power monopoly in Denver is now going to charge me more for having solar panels on my house. Fuck them. Xcel “Xcel is proposing a 2.6 cents per kilowatt hour fee based on the generating capacity of a home’s solar panels. The proposed fee would be in addition to actual electricity used…

  • Canon 5D MarkII

    I picked up my new camera yesterday at Mike’s Camera on Colorado Blvd.  Thanks Tom. I had originally just ordered the body, but they were back ordered for two or so more weeks and had the lens kit available, so I sunk the extra cash and bought that. I took it out to the Denver…

  • $70 an Hour and Happy T-Giving

    So, the latest right wing myth on the teevee device is that US auto workers make *gasp* 70 freaking dollars an hour *the horra*.  You know what, big fucking deal if they do.  That is hard goddamned work.  They should get paid a boatload of cash (even if it is American dollars) for that hard…

  • Eggs

    Bloodshot Records just put out a great discography of Charlie Pickett. Rock as it was meant to be. Get it.

  • When a Plan Comes Together

    The Repiglicans in the USA never really wanted their presidential candidate to win the 2008 election.  Why else would they pick an insane old crank and an even more insane inexperienced “hockey mom” as candidates? Sometime between the election and inauguration day  the entire house of cards that is our economy is going to collapse…

  • Us and Them

    …and after all we are just ordinary men. Yep, I quoted a Pink Floyd lyric, so fuck ya.  My brain is getting ready to explode as I watch the endless stream of You Tube racist, “pro-america”, religious nut bullshit video evidence of the lowest common denominator in our American society parade their slack-jawed, idiotic hatered…

  • R.I.P. BKW

    Me and Keith playing music in Valley City, Oh. late 1980s. Brian Keith Wireman 1959 – 2008 We’re going to miss you cuz.

  • Black Monday

    Socialism for corporations. Lehman’s Fate Is in Doubt as Barclays Pulls Out of Talks “Unable to find a savior, the troubled investment bank Lehman Brothers appeared headed toward bankruptcy on Sunday, in what would be one of the biggest failures in Wall Street history.” […] Here comes the government bailout…just like the Maes, Macs and…