Author: admin
Me and Keith playing music in Valley City, Oh. late 1980s. Brian Keith Wireman 1959 – 2008 We’re going to miss you cuz.
Black Monday
Socialism for corporations. Lehman’s Fate Is in Doubt as Barclays Pulls Out of Talks “Unable to find a savior, the troubled investment bank Lehman Brothers appeared headed toward bankruptcy on Sunday, in what would be one of the biggest failures in Wall Street history.” […] Here comes the government bailout…just like the Maes, Macs and…
RIP Jerry Reed
Pick it son.
DNC Awesomeness
No razor wire at DNC jail Ahhh, aint that quaint? The fascist Denver bully boys took down the razor wire in the Gitmo on the Platte. They really care.
Shit Eating Grin?
I ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut yesterday and was getting ready to throw away the box when this caught my eye. Now, I can understand the reheat part. You might not have finished your pie and maybe you stuck the unfinished pizza in the ice-box for keeping. That makes sense. But, “re-eat?” WTF? How…
What Happened to Us?
“If any of our enemies, from Europe or from Asia, attempt long-range raids by “suicide” squadrons of bombing planes, they will do so only in the hope of terrorizing our people and disrupting our morale. Our people are not afraid of that. We know that we may have to pay a heavy price for freedom….