
Heck Yeah Damn Big Old Goofy World

Author: admin

  • Flying

    Back during the irrational exuberance late 90s and early 00s I traveled constantly for work. Most of this business travel involved riding around the world in airplanes, as such I am fairly familiar with the workings of airlines and their minions. Okay, okay, I know all the standard bullshit to cover up for the ongoing…

  • Sun Tax

    Xcel, the greedhead power monopoly in Denver is now going to charge me more for having solar panels on my house. Fuck them. Xcel “Xcel is proposing a 2.6 cents per kilowatt hour fee based on the generating capacity of a home’s solar panels. The proposed fee would be in addition to actual electricity used…

  • Canon 5D MarkII

    I picked up my new camera yesterday at Mike’s Camera on Colorado Blvd.  Thanks Tom. I had originally just ordered the body, but they were back ordered for two or so more weeks and had the lens kit available, so I sunk the extra cash and bought that. I took it out to the Denver…

  • Sunday in the Park

    Walking around the lake at City Park today.  It was ~60 deg f.  Got this shot of a goose.  It is a bit dark, but I like it.

  • $70 an Hour and Happy T-Giving

    So, the latest right wing myth on the teevee device is that US auto workers make *gasp* 70 freaking dollars an hour *the horra*.  You know what, big fucking deal if they do.  That is hard goddamned work.  They should get paid a boatload of cash (even if it is American dollars) for that hard…